Help Marcus reach his goal

Can you help Marcus Newman raise £250 to help raise money for FODI, a Sunderland-based charity who support the well-being of asylum-seekers and refugees within the community.. Please donate to …

Refugee Week 2023

We have a very exciting week of activities planned from Monday 19th June to Sunday 25th of June to celebrate refugee week 2023. Download our full timetable of events and …

Together with Refugees at Christmas

Members of the FODI team decorated an orange heart Christmas tree in Sunderland Minster today. We also delivered a few extra children’s gifts in the snow. We had especially made …

Refugee Week 2020

Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival held every year around WORLD REFUGEE DAY on June 20th. Sunderland Refugee Week celebrates the contribution of refugees to our society and remembers why …

Football with YAV

Earlier this year FODI members enjoyed a pilot scheme of football sessions in collaboration with Young Asian Voices. The feedback from the footballers was very positive. These sessions provided the opportunity for health and fitness …