The FODI Drop-In acts as the hub of our community and provides support. It is run every Wednesday from 12 – 3pm at St Mary’s Parish Hall, 28- 29 Bridge St, Sunderland, SR1 1TQ. Everyone welcome
The Drop- In provides a safe and friendly environment for asylum seekers and refugees to:
- Chat over a cup of tea, socialise, make friends and play games including pool, table tennis and dominoes
- Register for tickets to see Sunderland AFC ( when available)
- Register for our free gym/swim scheme and find out about other sporting opportunities
- Learn about free English classes run by FODI
- Register for free trips to places of local interest
- Share snacks & fruit and the occasional meal for special events
- Register for a donated bicycle by adding your name to the waiting list
The Drop- In is also attended and supported by many other partner agencies, so asylum-seekers and refugees can access:
- Registration for new arrivals including information about local services
- Receive SIM cards when available
- Speaking to MEARS support workers when in attendance
- Help in contacting housing services from the Sunderland Council support team
- Support from FODI staff and volunteers to help resolve some of the day-to-day problems experienced by asylum seekers and refugees
- Advice from a worker from NERS ( North of England Refugee Service) on level 1 immigration issues.
- Advice from our volunteers about Rainbow Home and MESMAC in Newcastle, which supports our LGBT members